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Coco's Commissions

Headshot | $15 USD

Milo's Commissions

Headshot | $15 USD

Full body | $35 USD
Comes with alternate version!

Wallpapers | $70+ USD
Email for a quote!

  • Turn around time: Less than 5 days.

  • Extra characters: Available for wallpapers only (at the moment).

  • Will draw: Majority (anthro) furry species, humans, straight and LGBT+, weird kinks, fan art.

  • Won't draw: Non-con, NSFW of minors, ferals, stuff I find uncomfortable or unable to draw.

  • SFW and NSFW are the same price, NSFW please show proof of age.

Please email [email protected] if you're interested!

Terms of Service

These Terms of Service are applicable to both Coco and Milo. You accept these terms by commissioning either of us. These terms are subject to change at any time without notice. Any person found breaking these terms may have their commission cancelled and may be blacklisted.

  • You must be 17 years of age or older in order to commission. For NSFW, you must be 18. Please be prepared to provide proof of age (license, passport, other ID that shows your date of birth. You may censor private information that appears in the image.

  • Payments are via PayPal invoice only. Currency is in USD.

  • You agree that you are the personal owner of your PayPal account and cards/banks you are using for payment.

  • You have full authorization of commissioning either of us. Chargebacks claiming unauthorized transactions will not be tolerated.

  • You are aware that you will not be receiving any physical art/items/prints in the mail if you have not ordered any. Every commission is only a digital product that is delivered through email.

  • You will not file a chargeback claim when the commission(s) has been completed due to any reason.

  • All commissions requested are for personal use and collection only. None of the artwork you receive may be used commercially in any shape or form.

  • If requesting fan art, we are absolved from any legal responsibility should you be found using the artwork commissioned for anything other than personal use.

  • Full upfront payment is required before any commission is begun. No payment plans. Please have the required funds ready in your account.

  • Please send a clear image of what you would like us to draw. We do not work off of descriptions.

  • You are entitled to an 80% refund prior to a sketch rough being approved. If you approve a sketch for completion, you may no longer request a refund for your commission, regardless of cancellation.

  • If you request a refund, no files of your commission will be sent.

  • We reserve the right to cancel and refund any commission due to any reason. The amount refunded will be determined by how much of the commission has been completed.

  • You are aware that refunds may take a couple of days to process/complete.

  • If you upload your commission to another site/wiki/, you must credit us somewhere.

  • We reserve the right to post any commissioned artwork on any media with credit to the commissioner.

  • Rushing and rude customers will be refunded and blacklisted.